Call for nominations for a Member of the AIC Executive Committee

Posted on 2016-06-19 - link

cherry picking by Julie Falk

cherry picking by Julie Falk

Dear SGLC members,

You can find below a call for nominations for a Member of the AIC Executive Committee from the AIC Secretary/Treasurer, Lindsay MacDonald.

We look forward to receiving your nominations.

Best Wishes,

Dimitris Mylonas

Chair Study Group on the Language of Colour

Dear AIC Member Countries,

I am sorry to announce that for personal reasons Professor Nancy Kwallek has resigned from her position as an Ordinary Member of the AIC Executive Committee. Under Article 7 of the AIC Statutes, the EC has decided to hold a by-election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the period until the next election (at the Congress in October 2017). We are therefore calling for nominations by Friday 29th July 2016. In the event of two or more nominations being received, you will then be asked to vote during August.

Please note that, again under Article 7 of the Statutes (2013), “The membership of the Executive Committee should be such that no regular member is represented by more than one person. The exception to this rule is the Past President.” Hence the new member cannot represent Australia, Taiwan, Great Britain, Portugal, Argentina or Korea. The AIC welcomes diversity and representation from all parts of the world.

To nominate someone for this position, please provide for the candidate: - a brief biography emphasising colour-related activity - a portrait photograph - a supporting letter signed by the Chairman of the committee of the member society

Please think carefully about this opportunity. We will welcome candidates who are active in any field of colour and who are interested to join us in the leadership of AIC.

Yours sincerely,


Lindsay MacDonald PhD

AIC Secretary/Treasurer


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