Call for papers: Special Collection on Color Cognition, Color Research and Application
Posted on 2023-06-02 - link

We are excited to announce the launch of the ‘Color Cognition’ Special Collection! We encourage contributions from members of SGLC on this interdisciplinary topic.
Color cognition examines the complex relationship between color perception, language and culture. This Special Collection aims to explore multiple aspects of color cognition, presenting cutting-edge research, theoretical frameworks, and innovative applications. Potential submission topics include color discrimination, and naming, categorization, cross-cultural differences, color memory, developmental studies, and semantics and semiotics of color. We encourage contributions from diverse fields such as psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, anthropology, philosophy and computer science.
Editors: A. Prof Dimitris Mylonas (Co-Chair of SGLC), Prof Galina Paramei (Co-Chair of SGLC), Prof Jules Davidoff